First, make sure you are looking at this page in your HTML editor, not in a browser. If you are not using an editor, read the instructions at the bottom of this page.
How many pages do you want on this path?
List them. If necessary, you may add and delete any text boxes you need to edit the list, but don't leave any gaps in the final list (empty boxes at the end of the list are allowed).
When you are done, check everything carefully for typos, and then save this file in the same folder as your pages, replacing the name PathTemplate.html with your own choice of name. To use this path, you will have to know this name.
If you are not using an editor, you will have to change the form as described above directly in the html file. (Enter the number of pages in the path as the value of text field 0, and list the names of the pages sequentially as the values of the remaining text fields.)