Linear Algebra

My interest in interactive linear algebra began when I was assigned a linear algebra course to develop, and was told it had to have an online component. The materials I developed for that course were eventually expanded and repurposed into learning objects.

The Course Pages

The pages contained most of the course content in outline with numerous interactive widgets throughout. The focus was on building intuition and visualization rather than a formal mathematical structure.

Why the widgets work.

Later, I collected a number of the interactive widgets and added some commentary on why I thought that they did a good job of communicating the relevant mathematics. I also used these pages as part of a presentation.

Learning Objects for Linear Algebra

LOLA was a BCcampus OPDF project (Online Program Development Fund) to develop learning objects for the SOL*R (Shareable Online Learning Resources) repository. During 2005 - 2006, I built a collection of fifteen multi-page learning objects (mini-lessons) incorporating some of the widgets from the original course and a large number of new ones.

These learning objects are licensed under a BC Commons license, and are available for reuse from SOL*R to any British Columbia higher education institution.

LOLA Presentation

In February 2006, BCcampus sponsored an online conference showcasing some of the projects developed under its OPDF program. I used Flash to prepare an online presentation and the presenter to play it.