This version of the sketch on the previous page is marked with a icon: this means that it is "live". If your web browser is configured to use Geometer's Sketchpad, a click on the sketch will open it as a GSP sketch in its own window. Try this now with the sketch on the right. Once it opens, you may want to move the sketch window to a more convenient location. |
This sketch gives you a copy of the basic "empty" Poincaré universe to work with. You can always open a fresh copy of the empty universe sketch by clicking on the wherever it occurs (if you don't see one, look on the contents page).
If you've already installed the Toolbox as your script tools folder and downloaded its tools, you can find the Poincaré tools for this or any other live sketch under the to the left of the sketch. Otherwise you can download the tools individually as you need them by clicking on the wherever you see it (there's one on the contents page).