A Demo for
at the
3-4 June 1999, Brock University, Ontario, Canada
This is a demo of two projects: a project on online interactive geometry (POINCARE) and a project on a web notebook interface (BinderBaby).
Browser requirements: the demo should now work with both Navigator and Explorer versions 4+ on both Windows and Mac systems (thanks to super-programmer Erick Wong for making it so). It has also been tested to a limited extent on UNIX (though of course the live geometry only works on Macs and PCs). The BinderBaby interface is still wonky in places, in particular, there are problems with Navigator when resizing windows that have to do with caching: for optimal performance set Navigator 's cache preferences to check for a new page once per session, and set the cache size to 7 MG or more. If you've done this and there are still problems with resizing, please let me know - in fact, please let me know of anything that doesn't work, or doesn't work as expected. If you can't get POINCARE to work, there's an older version of it that you can look at.
When you click on the book below, a new browser window will open (if you get something different, go back and click again ). Once the booklet has loaded , click on its spine to open it. Further navigation instructions can be found on the initial page of the POINCARE booklet or here. Further info about the demo can be found in the last two sections of POINCARE.
For another, sinpler BinderBaby about Honeybees, see the BinderBaby Website.