Note the signs: these signs actually belong to the cofactors of the numbers in the row you're expanding along, and are taken from the checkerboard pattern. You figure out what the first one is (it's the first sign in the row or column you're expanding along), and then just alternate signs along that row or column.
Here's a larger example: a 4x4 determinant you can expand along any row or column you choose. Note that there are two layers of information here: the expansion itself, and the highlighted details of that expansion.
Recall the elementary row and column operations and their effect on determinants.
Row operation |
Column operation |
Effect on a determinant |
Ri ↔ Rj | Ci ↔ Cj | changes its sign |
Ri ← cRi, c ≠ 0 | Ci ← cCi, c ≠ 0 | multiples it by c |
Ri ← Ri – kRj, j ≠ i | Ci ← Ci – kCj, j ≠ i | has no effect |
If you use row and column operations to replace all but one entry of a row or column of a determinant by zeroes, then, when you expand along that row or column, you reduce the work involved to evaluating a single determinant one size smaller. Look at the example which follows to see how to use this technique.
You notice that column three looks much like twice column two, so you use the column operation C3 ← C3 – 2C2, which doesn't change the value of the determinant.
You've got three zeroes in column three with only one column operation. The row operation R2 ← R2 – 3R5 will get you a fourth zero in column three and doesn't change the value of the determinant.
Now expand along column three:
+0(whatever) – 0(whatever) + 0(whatever) – 0(whatever)
+ (–1)= –
You've now got a single 4 x 4 determinant to calculate. Notice the two zeroes in the last column. One more row operation will get you another zero in that column: R3 ← R3 – R4. This row operation doesn't change the value of the determinant, so you get
Expand along the last column.
– {–0(whatever) + 0(whatever) – 0(whatever)
+ (1)}
= –
You can evaluate this one by the diagonals method:
– {3 + 12 + 12 – (–9) – 8 – (–6)} = –34
It can be proved that, no matter which row or column you choose, you always get the determinant of the matrix as the result.
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Introduction | Minors and cofactors | The Laplace expansion of a determinant | Adjoints and inverses of matrices |